603-703-4545 JCWilson@InspiredLearningLLC.net

Our Partners

Our Holistic Service Trilogy:

For the Body-

  1. Nutrition Balancing - with Registered, Masters Level Trained Nutritionists at Nutrition in Motion
  2. Removal of Toxic Pharmaceuticals - by a Naturopathic Physician

For the Mind and Spirit

3. Education Advocacy and Our Mindfulness Plus! Program

Our Holistic Service Trilogy:

1. Nutrition Balancing:

Given the current research, Inspired Learning supports the idea that children with ADD/HD and possibly other behavioral issues may have their roots in the many toxic chemicals sprayed on our food and therefore what children are eating may indeed be interfering with their brain development.

For this reason, we have chosen a holistic approach to addressing learning difficulties by partnering with Nutrition in Motion of Bedford, NH.  This remarkable (insurance-covered) food sensitivity assessment has been known to uncover underlying food sensitivities and even allergies that are known irritants to behavior.

Although we respect your right not to participate in this partnership, we strongly encourage you to at least have 1 visit and complete their food sensitivity testing.

1. Nutrition Balancing:

2. If You Choose to Remove Toxic Phamaceuticals

Under the guidance of experienced professional Naturopathic Doctors, our children make a smooth transition off pills and onto healthy supplements.

3. Our Mindfulness Plus! Program

We round out this trilogy by providing EDUCATION ADVOCACY and a combination of services


that we design specifically to achieve your goals. 

3. Our Mindfulness Plus! Program

Coach, Sue West - Productivity Coach for Adults with ADD/ADHD

If you are an adult struggling with organization and suspect you have or have been diagnosed with having ADD/ADHD, Inspired Learning highly recommends, Productivity Coach, Sue West.

Coach, Sue West - Productivity Coach for Adults with ADD/ADHD