603-703-4545 JCWilson@InspiredLearningLLC.net


Valuable ADD/HD Resources

Self-directed Learning:

  1. CHADD resource on social skills, specifically:
  2. Podcasts/webinars, from CHADD's Nat'l Resource Center on ADHD
  3. Ari Tuckman, Psy.D. has terrific podcasts, Youtube videos, articles, and a couple of books. Ari is an international expert, speaker, author.
    Focus is on impulsivity and the emotions that affect them.
    A list of webinars he's given for ADDitude magazine is here.
  4. ADD Magazine: https://www.additudemag.com 







1. Multisensory Systematic Reading Instruction - The Children's Dyslexia Center

200 Main Street, Nashua, NH 03060 (603) 882-8781

These folks provide 3 years of of free one-to-one tutoring for students with reading disabilities fro 60 minutes 2xs a week! They use an Orton-Gillingham based program.

2. READ NATURALLY - a paper or computer-based program designed to improve reading fluency and accuracy through repeated reading of leveled high-frequency passages.  Passages develop predictions, comprehension, written response and summarizing skills. www.ReadNaturally.com

3. The Haughton Learning Center - sells Precision Teaching Products to develop reading fluency.

4. LEXIA - A Computer-Based OG Reading Program - Lexia is another OG program scientifically proven to improve reading.

5. Orthographic Awareness - Develops automaticity in letter naming and sound pairing. Results of 1-minute drills are tracked on a chart so students can see their results leading to mastery. (aims) Students are very motivated as they compete against each other. Even first graders can monitor their own progress charts! Go to: http://www.eslea.com. or call (603)775-0303.



Building Self-Esteem Resources


Thank You Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco explains dyslexia to children. Award Winning Children's Author who is dyslexic.

Online Resources:

  • www.ldonline.org - provides an extensive list of fiction books along with a suggestion for their use in bibliotherapy for students with learning disabilities.
  • The Gabrielli Lab @ MIT - conducts ongoing research in dyslexia. Chidren and teens participate in cutting edge research on how their brain works using fMRI. They get a CD with pictures of their brain and hear from leading experts on how they process language differently. Get a virtual Tour of this lab at: www.http://gablab.mit.edu/index.php/kids-corner.


Latest Research on The Power of Hugging to Build a Child's Brain