By following the medical model, public education has referred to children as having "disabilities." This focus on the glass half full has inadvertently led to weakness-based IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) with goals meant to address the identified weaknesses of the child. Perhaps it is time for us to consider changing how we view and refer to these children, giving them the respect of being whole and vital human beings.
…Perhaps there is a reason kids with special needs are here; a purpose for their being exactly as they are. If this premise is true, what might their purpose be and what can we learn from these kids?
…There is a challenge facing parents today, generated by smart phones, tv, laptops, computers and other electronic devices that did not face previous generations. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of the seriousness and pervasiveness of this silent thief. Hijacking out children in the guise of educating and entertaining them, electronics are now an accepted appendage for most kids. Perhaps it is time for parents and educators to take another look at what these devices are doing to our kids' social skill development, their brains, their learning and even their happiness.
…What if the solution to the majority (if not all) of your problems is not outside yourself, but rather lies within you? This short, but poignant idea is coming of age in a sort of community awakening...…
The global challenge to educate today's techno-savvy learners will require substantial imaginative planning. In this article, I invite readers to use this article as a launching pad to discuss ideas on how to create a future where learners are fully integrated into our communities via externships, job shadowing for anytime/anywhere learning.…
Imagine engaging in personalized dialogue and exercises designed just for you, where your aspirations and next steps come into crystal clear focus. By using Guided Imagery and Mindfulness you are guided into a deeply relaxed state where you are better able to access clear thinking and visualize where you are and where you are going.…